Sunday, June 18, 2017

SPE Workflow Action using Slack Notifications

Have you ever wondered how to notify a user about workflow changes to an item in Sitecore, but not through email? In this post I'll show you in a few steps how to send notifications to a user or channel in Slack when transitioning an item's workflow state in Sitecore.


  1. Setup a Slack authentication token here. The documentation indicates there are some newer ways to acquire a token, but for now we'll go with the low effort approach.
  2. Setup the PSSlack module for PowerShell found here. Optionally, run Install-Module PSSlack from an elevated PowerShell console. Big thanks to @pscookiemonster for putting this together.
  3. Create a SPE workflow action like described here.
  4. Update the script to send messages to Slack.
  5. Celebrate!

Example Notification